Croix Valley St. Louis Style Sauce


  • Get ready for a saucy adventure with Croix Valley's St. Louis Style Barbecue Sauce, takin' your taste buds on a wild ride to the heart of the Midwest!

St. Louis, the city of arches and finger-lickin' good BBQ, is famous for its unique sweet and tangy flavors and those oh-so-tender St. Louis Cut Spare ribs. Our sauce is like a flavor party in a bottle, bursting with a brilliant blend of spices and ingredients that'll make any meal on the grill or smoker an unforgettable experience. So buckle up, folks, and embark on a scrumptious trip to one of the great BBQ capitals of the United States, where St. Louis truly sizzles on the barbecue map!

  • Perfect for Pork Ribs or Shoulders
  • Excellent for Chicken thighs and legs.

6 in stock


  • Get ready for a saucy adventure with Croix Valley's St. Louis Style Barbecue Sauce, takin' your taste buds on a wild ride to the heart of the Midwest!

St. Louis, the city of arches and finger-lickin' good BBQ, is famous for its unique sweet and tangy flavors and those oh-so-tender St. Louis Cut Spare ribs. Our sauce is like a flavor party in a bottle, bursting with a brilliant blend of spices and ingredients that'll make any meal on the grill or smoker an unforgettable experience. So buckle up, folks, and embark on a scrumptious trip to one of the great BBQ capitals of the United States, where St. Louis truly sizzles on the barbecue map!

  • Perfect for Pork Ribs or Shoulders
  • Excellent for Chicken thighs and legs.


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